Guest book

We are looking forward to receive your Feedback

Kommentare: 6
  • #6

    Deon Eyberg (Donnerstag, 05 Juli 2018 06:25)

    PS. Forgot to mention that the kids also always have a blast. There is always a creative program for them as well.
    So bring boetie en sussie saam!!!!

  • #5

    Deon Eyberg (Donnerstag, 05 Juli 2018 06:22)

    I arrived in Germany in April 2011 and attended my first "Weekend Away" in 2012. I have been back every single year after that. What a Jol it is!!! If you are homesick, need to speak your mother tongue and just want to relax with fellow Saffa's, then this is you weekend away that you need. Tired of Necken steak and Bratwors on the grill - Pull into one of these weekends and sink your teeth into potjiekos, boerewors, biltong, etc, etc, etc..........
    This year was the fist I missed and from what i hear and the photo's I saw, I can only kick myself. But not to worry - I already paid and confirmed for next year.
    The secret to these events are the fact that everyone are there for the same pupose! Let the hair down in the company of people who understand how to make a lekker jol............ I hope to see more and more new faces every year.
    Fluit Fluit my storie is uit!!!!

  • #4

    Desray (Dienstag, 03 Juli 2018 07:51)

    Black Forest Weekend June 2018
    My family and I joined the S.A. weekend for the third time in a row this year.
    There is so much to say about these weekends that one doesn't know where to start.
    Samantha organises everything perfectly and then you arrive at a big house with between 30 and 45 strangers... all with a love and longing for our home country.
    We introduce ourselves then we to day trips, braaior make a poitjie or two and have a few drinks together... We hardly ever see the children as they are always on their own mission and are taken care of by a extra person also organised by Samantha.
    By the time to tidy up, pack up and leave we are a big family who have swapped numbers, addresses and plans are being made for the next year or - depending on distance between people - next braai together at home:-)
    We will join for at least the next three events and look forward to seeing our family grow some more.

  • #3

    Sam (Dienstag, 03 Juli 2018 07:09)

    Was passiert wenn eine Gruppe zum Teil vollkommen fremder Personen sich zu einem gemeinsamen Wochenende trifft? Genau! Es wird eine Gruppe Freunde! Was ein tolles Wochenende! Ich war im Schwarzwald im Juni 2018 dabei. Eine tolle Truppe, die mit viel Spaß, guten Geschichten, sehr viel Energie und Freude am Miteinander eine wundervolle Zeit verbracht hat. Ich bin sicherlich im Jahr 2019 wieder dabei. Herzlichen Dank an die Organisation und die Sponsoren

  • #2

    Marjie (Montag 2.07 2018) (Montag, 02 Juli 2018 13:07)

    Im Capetonian, went to the Saffa Weekends in Waterkant Holland in 2014 and Belgium 2015. What i like about it is meeting fellow South Africans and other people. Interesting is our traditional braai with homemade Boerewors, biltong koeksisters and dont forget our delicious wines from the Western Cape and the atmosphere is always terrific!!!

  • #1

    Tanja (Freitag, 22 Juni 2018 03:23)

    Ich freue mich Mitglied dieses Vereins sein zu dürfen, auch für mich als nicht Süd Afrikanerin die durch ihren Freund den Verein kennen und lieben gelernt hat, genieße ich die ganzen tollen Zeiten, sei es auf Wochenendveranstaltungen oder zum Bring and Braai. Es ist toll so Kulturen zu Verbinden und einzigartige Eindrücke zu entdecken.
    Ich habe viele liebe Menschen kennen gelernt, welche ich nicht mehr missen möchte !
    Macht weiter so!
    Ihr seit Klasse :)


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